

School Policies



Attendance Policy

It is the mission of Nak’al Bun Elementary School to achieve high levels of learning for all students by promoting regular attendance.

Excellent attendance is necessary for academic continuity, and to help students develop social responsibility in preparation for their future.

Students who are not in their classrooms by 8:30 bell are considered late and report to the office. Late are noted on report cards.

A child that has not been accounted for at the beginning of the day will receive a phone call home to determine a reason for the student’s absenteeism. Parents/guardians can assist the school by phoning the school and notifying the school as to the status of a student’s non-attendance.

For your child’s safety, and both you and the school know where your child is at all time, students remain on the school property during the day unless they have been signed out by a parent or guardian.

Attendance will be closely monitored, and all precautions will be taken to assure student are in school every day if healthy. Chronic unexplained absenteeism will result in further investigation including outside agency help if necessary.

Health Policy

Due to COVID 19, students must be health checked by their parents or guardians prior to coming to school. The Health Check form will be included in the Welcome Back package. Any students that come to school unwell or become unwell in school will be placed in an isolation room, and will need to be picked up within 30 minutes of a phone call from the school. All provincial Health and Safety protocols will be followed at all times in the interest of safety of everyone.

Electronic Devices

Electronics must remain at home this year due to COVID Health and Safety guidelines. Students must not use personal cell phones, iPad, iPods or other electronic devices during school hours. Missing electronics are not the responsibility of the school at any time. If a student is using any electronic device on school property, the device will be taken from the student immediately and it is the responsibility of the parents to pick up the device.


All clothing and other items found in the school are places in a “Lost and Found” box located in the main hall. Students may retrieve the lost articles at recess, noon or after school. Items unclaimed after a reasonable period of time will be given to a charitable or clothing organization. It is advisable to mark all articles with your child’s name. This procedure would assist us greatly in returning lost articles to the rightful owner.


Staff provide supervision before school and during morning and lunch recesses. Teachers assume building supervision at 8:30 am. Please time your child’s arrival at school between 7:45 am and 8:35 am each day unless a special request as been made by a teacher for early morning assistance or tutoring. Students arriving prior to 7:45am will not be allowed entry to the school and will be the responsibility of the family caregiver.

During lunch hour paid noon-hour supervisors and school administration supervise the students.

Supervision after school is provided until the last bus leaves at 3:30 pm. Parents are encouraged to have their children go directly home after school.


Students and their parents are expected to support a learning environment where attire is appropriate and is not offensive to others. Articles of clothing which promote alcohol, drugs, inappropriate language and images, or discrimination of any form are not acceptable. School administration will determine if students’ dress is appropriate. Some examples for dress expectations are as follows:

  • Shirts cannot be seeing thru.
  • No thin (spaghetti straps) straps for tops.
  • Appropriate neckline must be worn.
  • Clothing must cover the midriff.
  • Waistbands of pants must be at the waist level.
  • Undergarments are not to be seen
  • Hats and caps must be removed in the school.




These rules are applicable to every setting in the school. Specific behaviours relating to these rules should be taught in the specific setting where they are expected.


School Rules

  1. Students must follow the directions of teachers, supervisors, assistants, substitutes, parent helpers, and follow the class set of rules and procedures.
  2. No name calling, abusive or violent language, swearing.
  3. There is NO hands on at any time this year due to health and safety reasons.
  4. Rough play, play fighting, or hitting is unacceptable.
  5. Students must walk respectably in the school corridor at all times following all arrows, barriers and signage.
  6. Do not take or touch other people’s belongings.
  7. Use school property, equipment, books, etc., appropriately. Students and their family are responsible for the replacement cost of all books, materials and property that is lost or destroyed.
  8. Students must wear indoor non-marking footwear at all times. Marking sole shoes are not permitted.
  9. No spitting anywhere, anytime! Failure to follow this rule is a Level 3 consequence.
  10. Students are not permitted in the office areas or staff room without permission and supervision.
  11. All students must enter and exit the school at their designated door.
  12. Students are expected to be outside at designated outdoor times unless excused under extra-ordinary conditions with written permission.
  13. On indoor days, students must stay in their designated area (classroom or gym) and may only leave with the permission of supervisors.
  14. Restorative justice rules must be followed while being served.
  15. If a student is asked to leave restorative justice because of his or her behaviour, he or she will be automatically sent to the office for further consequences.
  16. Homework and assignments must be completed by the given date assigned by the teacher.
  17. All teachers, assistants, supervisors and students will be treated with equal respect.
  18. No possession or use of alcohol, drugs or paraphernalia, tobacco products, or vaping products.
  19. No hats and/or hoods are to be worn inside school. We want to see your beautiful eyes!
  20. Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. NO rude, obscene, or inappropriate clothing.
  21. No gum, candy, pop, chips, energy drinks, sugary drinks, ice tea in the school.
  22. Water and healthy snacks are recommended for recess and lunch to ensure students are able to preform at their best.