

Nak'al Bun School Programs



First Voices is an online space for Indigenous communities to share and promote language, oral culture and linguistic history. Language teams work with elders to curate and upload audio recordings, dictionaries, songs and stories. This content is shared with community members or the broader public.

We do our best to share as much traditional knowledge and on land experience as possible. We are very proud of the students being able to participate every day by using the dakelh language and culture.

First Voices Program



The elementary program is organized into primary grades (Kindergarten 4 to Grade 3) and intermediate grades (Grades 4 to 7).

Elementary School

  • Communicate effectively through writing, speaking and visual arts.
  • Make connections between area of study and life outside the classroom.
  • Be creative and reflective learns.
  • Define personal and education goals and establish plans to meet those goals.
  • Develop positive attitudes toward themselves and others.
  • Be responsible.

Student Courses

  • Carrier Language and Culture
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Arts Education (Art, Music, Drama, and Dance)
  • Technology
  • Physical Education
Carrier Culture Programs



A Special Education is in the school to provide support for additional instruction and services to those students identified by the Ministry of Education Special Education guidelines.  Intervention and/or enrichment is provided to all students in Grades K-4 4 days per week.

The School Counsellor is available three days a week.  This service is available to all students through self-referral, or through teacher or parents’ referral.

Nak’al Bun Elementary School has a Facebook page with information about upcoming school events, announcements, and programs at our school.  This is an information page only.  Any negative comments will be removed immediately and result in the deletion of the member from the group.  This Facebook page is a closed group, open only to Parent/Guardians and Grandparents, as well as staff.  This keeps our children safe.

Class DOJO is a classroom communication platform for teachers, parents and students.  The platform allows teachers to shard events, pictures, announcements and other information with parents and students.

Student Services



MENU: Menu items will vary according to seasonal availability.  The monthly menu will be sent out with the monthly newsletter, as well as are available on the front counter at school.  Please look over each menu, and if there is something on the menu your student will not eat, please send a healthy substitute. If your child is on a specialized medical diet, please let our kitchen know and we will meet the needs of your child.

BREAKFAST:                      Monday – Friday       
SNACK:                                 Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
HOT LUNCH:                      Tuesday & Thursday

We promote healthy eating habits.  On days when your student brings his/her snack and/or lunch to school, we encourage you to send healthy choices for food items. Sugary snacks and drinks are strongly discouraged.  Teachers will contact families if there are ongoing concerns regarding food items. A toll-free number 1-800-667-3438 to a dietician, is available for any questions with regards to what is or is not healthy, for your child.
